Large Animal Services
From small to large herds, we have skilled veterinarians that are qualified to meet the needs of your farm animals. Some of the services we offer include:
Reproductive Services: early pregnancy diagnosis with ultrasound, twin diagnosis, fetal sexing, breeding protocols
Sick Cow Services: administration of IVs (i.e. down cows, ketosis), surgery, obstetrical work, blood work
Laboratory: in house Calcium and Phosphorus, bloodwork to Marshfield Clinic with results the same day (if received by 12pm), Johne's disease testing via feces or blood, BVD testing, necropsy
Milk Quality: in house culture lab for individual cow mastitis cultures including Prototheca, bulk tank cultures, plate counts for colostrum, pasteurized milk, water; parlor procedure evaluations
Surgical Services: displaced abomasum via right flank approach, C-section, teat laceration repair, umbilical hernia repair, castrations
Herd Record Entry and Evaluation: Dairy Comp 305, VetCheck
Protocol Design: fresh cow, sick cow, calves, vaccinations, down cow, euthanasia
Farm Construction: blueprint evaluation, calf barn tube ventilation planning and fogging evaluation
Farm Prescription Delivery
Emergency Service: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year - Contact Us