Marshfield Veterinary Service

112244 Mann St
Marshfield, WI 54449



Large Animal Services


Large Animal Services - Staff with large animals 

From small to large herds, we have skilled veterinarians that are qualified to meet the needs of your farm animals.  Some of the services we offer include: 

Reproductive Services: early pregnancy diagnosis with ultrasound, twin diagnosis, fetal sexing, breeding protocols

Sick Cow Services: administration of IVs (i.e. down cows, ketosis), surgery, obstetrical work, blood work

Laboratory: in house Calcium and Phosphorus, bloodwork to Marshfield Clinic with results the same day (if received by 12pm), Johne's disease testing via feces or blood, BVD testing, necropsy

Milk Quality: in house culture lab for individual cow mastitis cultures including Prototheca, bulk tank cultures, plate counts for colostrum, pasteurized milk, water; parlor procedure evaluations

Surgical Services: displaced abomasum via right flank approach, C-section, teat laceration repair, umbilical hernia repair, castrations

Herd Record Entry and Evaluation: Dairy Comp 305, VetCheck

Protocol Design: fresh cow, sick cow, calves, vaccinations, down cow, euthanasia

Farm Construction: blueprint evaluation, calf barn tube ventilation planning and fogging evaluation

Farm Prescription Delivery

Emergency Service: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year - Contact Us